Meet Barri

Barri’s design aesthetic is informed by her passion for art, music, and
travel. She creates unique, beautiful, functional spaces for her clients
that allow them to live in an environment that their ‘best selves’ would
love. With more than a decade of experience in project and corporate
event management, she honed her skills of out of the box thinking and
understanding clients underlying (often unsaid) motivations. She is a
staunch advocate for her clients. Barri is proudly a member of the Black
Artists & Designers Guild.

Getting to Know Her

Favorite ice cream flavor?  Chocolate, above all others.

Beach or city travel? For family time, nothing better than Martha’s Vineyard. For grown up time, love a good Metropolis!

Three words that you describe you: Affable, funny, and creative

Where can you be found on the weekends?  Hanging out with my little design assistant. We hit up the farmers markets, our beloved library,
local art galleries, book stores, and parks. She lobbies for a puppy OR a baby unicorn.

What would be your personal motto? Let love rule!

Coffee or tea? One can have 2 loves

If I were a superhero, my superpower would be: Teleportation

If you were a pasta shape, what shape would you be and why? Fusilli, what’s not to love about a pretty spiral.

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? When clients say that an idea that came to me while I was brainstorming has changed their way of thinking about their space.

Our Design Services